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Memorial Day!

Memorial Day

This upcoming Monday we will be honoring those who have lost their lives while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day is a day to remember the importance of each and every life lost while defending our country.

As this day is also seen as the beginning of summer, many people choose to decide to celebrate this day by having BBQ’s, going on vacation to summer destinations, or going camping in the mountains. These things are fun and a great time to get together with family and friends; however, maybe we could each spend a little time remembering those who have lost their lives. Spend time talking about family members you might have lost and the memories you have with them. Talk to your children and explain the significance of this day to them and why we get to take time off of work and school. Visit a cemetery where your loved ones are buried and take time to honor them. Go to Memorial Day events in your community, at schools, or city parks. Remember the families of those who have lost loved ones; find ways to let them know they are also being honored.

We are forever grateful for those that have served our country and their families. We would not be where we are today without each of the men and women who have served.

Visions Assisted Living at Apache Junction

1510 East Broadway Avenue Apache Junction, Arizona 85119
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537 South Higley Road Mesa, Arizona 85206
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